New Delhi: The Bhutan police on Wednesday detained the senior-most justice of the Supreme Court, Kuenlay Tshering, along with the drangpon (associate justice) of the Pemagatshel dzongkhag administrative unit, Yeshey Dorji.
According to a report in the national newspaper Kuensel, the two were arrested after a former Royal Body Guard commandant, Brigadier Thinley Tobgye was detained in connection with a criminal conspiracy against the chief operations officer of the Royal Bhutan Army.
The alleged criminal conspiracy case came to the fore after a woman who was arrested a few months ago revealed details about the conspiratorial relationship. As per sources, the three allegedly wanted to become the RBA’s chief operations officer, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the attorney general or registrar general of Supreme Court.
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According to Bhutan’s penal code, a defendant shall be deemed guilty of the offence of criminal conspiracy to commit a crime if more than one person agrees to engage in conduct that constitutes as a crime.
The Office of Attorney General (OAG) has since forwarded the case to the Thimphu district court. As per some sources, the woman who revealed details surrounding the alleged conspiracy is the wife of the Pemagatshel judge Yeshey Dorji.