Watch | Capturing The Syrian Civil War in Words and Art

Molly Crabapple tells Raghu Karnad about her new book ‘Brothers of the Gun’, and the challenges and opportunities of covering war in the age of the internet.

syria, ISIS, Islamic state, terrorism, art, molly crabapple
Molly Crabapple is an artist, writer & journalist, who has reported with drawings from locations as diverse as the Guantanamo Bay facility, Syrian refugee camps, US Supermax prisons, the Republican Convention of 2016, and many places besides. Her first book, Drawing Blood, was a memoir of art and protest in New York City, centred on the Occupy Wall Street protests.

In Delhi this month, Crabapple spoke to The Wire‘s Raghu Karnad about her new book, Brothers of the Gun, co-authored with the Syrian writer Marwan Hisham – a memoir of life in ISIS-held Raqqa.

Brothers of the Gun was longlisted for a US National Book Award. Read The Wire‘s review of it here.


Author: Raghu Karnad

Raghu Karnad is a Contributing Editor at the Wire. He has been a magazine editor, a reporter, and is the author of Farthest Field, an account of India's Second World War.