New Delhi: The CBI has approached Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla seeking sanction to prosecute three sitting Trinamool Congress MPs and a former parliamentarian of the party in the Narada sting operation case, officials said on Thursday.
The agency sought clearance to prosecute Mamata Banerjee-led TMC MPs Saugata Roy, Kakoli Ghosh and Prasun Banerjee.
Suvendu Adhikari, 48, is a former MP from Tamluk Lok Sabha constituency in West Bengal and is now the transport minister in the state government.
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The 73-year old Roy is an MP from Dum Dum, while Ghosh (59) represents the Barasat constituency. Prasun Banerjee (64) is an MP from Howrah.
The officials said the agency has requested the speaker to let it prosecute the four.
If the sanction is accorded, the four leaders may be named by the agency in its charge sheet in the case, sources said.
The Narada sting case pertains to some TMC politicians and West Bengal bureaucrats who were allegedly caught on tape accepting money from a journalist posing as a representative of a private company, officials said.