New Delhi: In a letter to the Election Commission dated April 14, a voter in Bihar’s Madhepura Lok Sabha constituency has alleged that the Bajrang Dal carried out a Ram Navami procession using swords and iron rods. This, Suraj Yadav has said in his letter, happened while Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar was visiting the constituency.
Yadav’s letter, which is accompanied by photographs of the rally says that events of this kind are a violation of the model code of conduct (MCC), but the district administration did not intervene.
“Many young persons displaying arms like daggers, swords, spears and even country made firearms (as shown in the attached images) and riding motorcycles took out a procession and kept shouting communal slogans targeting minority community (sic),” Yadav’s letter reads. “People of Madhepura are wondering whether in such a situation a free and fair poll can be held at Madhepura.”
Yadav, who teacher at Swami Shraddhanand College in Delhi, told The Wire on Tuesday that an FIR had been filed against unknown persons after his letter to the EC. However, he thinks the local administration should be held accountable, since they allowed a rally of this kind to take place and did not intervene. In addition, he believes that by not naming anyone in the FIR, the administration is trying to shield the accused.
In a second letter to the EC written on April 16, Yadav has brought up these points. He has also said that since his complaint, he is being harassed and threatened on social media. His letter reads:
It is clear that if unnamed persons can take out such a procession and be on the main roads for more than 3 hours, then it can be done only with the connivance of the Administration. If anybody took permission for this, he or she is directly responsible, and if they belong to any political outfit, the Party also becomes responsible.
Therefore, it is humbly requested that action in this light may kindly be taken so that the District Administration may not appear to be favouring a political outfit. It may be noted again that the Chief Minister is stationed at Madhepura, and is campaigning for his party.
Further, it is also brought to your kind notice that I am being threatened and abuses are showered on me on Social Media by the very same people who may have organised this procession and appeared to be giving communal color to this matter. The District Administration and the Police is fully aware of their identity. Therefore, it is all the more motivated for lodging FIR against ‘unnamed’ persons.
Speaking to The Wire, Yadav compared the administration’s inaction to another event in the constituency, which went very differently. On April 14, the local university had to take permission to celebrate Ambedkar Jayanti. University officials kept telling all speakers to refrain from making political comments, as it could have been a violation of the MCC, he said. They kept reminding everyone that it was a cultural – and not political – programme.