Kenyan Opposition Leader Odinga Urges Supporters to Boycott Work

After anger erupted in Kenya following Kenyatta’s re-election, Odinga accused the government of having planned to rig elections and murder his supporters.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga greets supporters in Nairobi, Kenya, August 13, 2017. Credit: Reuters/Thomas Mukoya
Opposition leader Raila Odinga greets supporters in Nairobi, Kenya, August 13, 2017. Credit: Reuters/Thomas Mukoya

Opposition leader Raila Odinga greets supporters in Nairobi, Kenya, August 13, 2017. Credit: Reuters/Thomas Mukoya

Nairobi: Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga urged supporters to stay away from work on Monday and accused the government of having planned to rig elections and murder his supporters.

“(The) Jubilee (party) have spilt the blood of innocent people. Tomorrow there is no work,” Odinga told a crowd of around 4,000 cheering supporters in Kibera, Nairobi’s biggest slum.

He was speaking after anger erupted in Kenya following President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election last week.
