Kochi: The Kerala high court on Friday dismissed the anticipatory bail plea of activist Rehana Fathima, who had made an attempt to enter the Ayyappa temple in Sabarimala when it was opened for monthly puja in October, after the Supreme Court order allowing entry of women in the age group of 10 and 50.
The activist was booked by the police in Pathanamthitta on the basis of a complaint filed by Radhakrishna Menon, alleging some of her Facebook posts hurt religious sentiments.
Also Read: Meet Rehana Fathima, the Woman Under Police Protection After Trying to Enter Sabarimala
She was booked under Section 295A of IPC (outraging religious feelings).
Anticipating arrest, she moved the high court seeking anticipatory bail.
Dismissing the plea, the court directed that the police can take appropriate steps in the case.
Fathima, who was also part of “Kiss of Love” movement in Kochi in 2014 against alleged moral policing, was among the two women who had reached the hilltop on October 19, but had to return before reaching the sanctum sanctorum due to massive protests by Ayyappa devotees.
Fathima and Hyderabad-based journalist Kavitha were taken to the hills with heavy police protection.
Meanwhile, the high court has granted bail to six people arrested for allegedly attacking police and preventing devotees at Nilakal, near Pamba, when the temple doors were opened for monthly puja last month.’
Also Read: Sabarimala Row: BSNL Employee and Activist Rehana Fathima Transferred
Several journalists were attacked by devotees when the temple was opened for six days on October 17 for the first time after the Supreme Court order.
On September 28, a five-judge Constitution bench of the Supreme Court, headed by the then chief justice Dipak Misra, lifted the centuries-old ban on the entry of women of menstrual age into the shrine but a section of devotees is protesting the decision.