New Delhi: Virat Kohli, captain of the Indian cricket team, told a person – on video – not to live in India if he or she prefers foreign cricketers to Indian ones. The video was released on Kohli’s own app, and showed him responding to Twitter and Instagram comments made about him.
One person had said that Kohli is overrated and that it is more enjoyable to watch batsmen from Australia and England. For the Indian skipper, the response to this was to say that those who have choices like this should not be living in India. “Okay, I don’t think you should live in India then… you should go and live somewhere else, no? Why are you living in our country and loving other countries? I don’t mind you not liking me but I don’t think you should live in our country and like other things. Get your priorities right.”
Unsurprisingly, Kohli’s response has invoked both ridicule and anger, with fans and others saying that his answer was not sportsmen-like.
Sad to know @imVkohli wont live in India any more. Am sure he doesn’t have double standards and will follow his own dictat
— Joy (@Joydas) November 7, 2018
The latest blabbering by @imVkohli shouldn’t be taken too seriously.
In the month of November, he tends to go off the rails.
This is nothing compared to what he said 2 years ago. ???— Akash Banerjee (@akashbanerjee) November 7, 2018
Your words were not misconstrued, your words were not twisted, this is no case of misreporting, so IF at all you’re planning to speak about the arrogant remark you made, spare these bahanas, @imVkohli.
And you MUST say goodbye to endorsing foreign brands. And holidays abroad.
— VIVEK (@ivivek_nambiar) November 7, 2018
India’s Cricket Captain @imVkohli is no less of a Sangh Troll – He has also started distributing Indian Citizenship.
— Ashok Swain (@ashoswai) November 7, 2018
Virat Kohli’s statement is a reflection of the bubble that most famous people either slip into or are forced into. The voices within it are frequently those that they wish to hear. It is a comfortable bubble and that is why famous people must try hard to prevent it from forming
— Harsha Bhogle (@bhogleharsha) November 8, 2018
In his response to the social media onslaught, Kohli has said that he is “all for freedom of choice” and was only responding to one part of the comment.
I guess trolling isn’t for me guys, I’ll stick to getting trolled! ?
I spoke about how “these Indians” was mentioned in the comment and that’s all. I’m all for freedom of choice. ? Keep it light guys and enjoy the festive season. Love and peace to all. ✌?— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) November 8, 2018
Note: An earlier version of this article misquoted Kohli’s response to the trolling. That has been removed.