Raipur: As expected, the Central Bureau of Investigation has registered an FIR in Chhattisgarh’s Rs 1,000-crore ‘disability fund’ scam.
It is now likely to look into the case against two former chief secretaries, an additional chief secretary and two secretary-level IAS officers who are believed to have enabled the swindling of state funds over a period of 15 years, much in the style and manner of the infamous fodder scam.
In a landmark judgment, Justice Prashant Mishra of the Bilaspur high court directed that the case be followed without complacency by the CBI. Wednesday, February 5, was the second day that the court heard the review petition filed by respondent IAS officer B.L. Agarwal, against the order directing the CBI to register the case on January 30.
Also read: IAS Lobby Tries to Keep CBI Out of Chhattisgarh Disability Scam Probe
The state, meanwhile, has petitioned the court for a review on behalf of the officers.
It claimed that the officers were honest and blameless and the petitioner Kundan Singh was a fraud who had been dismissed from service and has filed the case on the basis of fraudulent papers. The state also went on to claim that it could do its own investigation and no independent agency like the CBI was required.
Justice Mishra, however, said that he wanted to see the file on which the review on behalf of the officers had been authorised to ascertain who exactly had advised the state to go for a review petition on behalf of the officers in a case of prima facie corruption. The retort had caused the courtroom to fall silent.
The additional solicitor general then informed the court that the CBI had registered the case under sections 409, 420, 467, 468, 471 and 120 (b) of the Indian Penal Code and sections 13(2), and 13 (1) (d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act. The case has been registered by the Bhopal office of the CBI.
The counsel for the original petitioner, Devershi Thakur, expressed satisfaction at the outcome but also expressed fears that he and his client may face immediate state suppression. “I have been threatened by certain officials that FIRs will be filed against me on some pretext or the other,” he said.