Watch | Three Decades of Mandal, Kamandal and Media

During the 1990-92s, a large section of our media strongly opposed the ‘Mandal’. An amazing coincidence is that the same Indian media glorifies ‘Hindutva-nationalism’ today.

It has been three decades since the Mandal Commission’s recommendations.

The ‘Kamandal politics’ which was brought in to stop the ‘Mandal’, today, seems to have transformed into ‘Hindutva-nationalism’, and sits not only in power but also has a hold over society. During the 1990-92 period, a large section of our media strongly opposed the ‘Mandal’.

An amazing coincidence is that the same Indian media glorifies ‘Hindutva-nationalism’ today. In this issue of ‘Media Bol’, senior journalist Urmilesh discusses the journey of ‘Mandal’ and the context of media then and now, with three experts on the subject.